1️⃣Select Image to Video tab


2️⃣Upload a new image, or select an existing image from your assets


When you hover your cursor over the AddImage block, two options will appear.


By clicking Select assets, you will see all images that you uploaded before. You can pick anyone from it, then click Are you sure to upload? to proceed.


3️⃣Write down how you want the image to move (optional)

By leaving this section empty, the model will automatically detect “movable” parts in the image and bring them to motion.


4️⃣Specify the seed if you want to repeat a certain video

<aside> ❓ A seed in generative AI applications is a starting value used to generate random numbers, which then influence the entire generation. It ensures that with the same seed, you always get the same results, allowing for consistency and repeatability in the generated content.


You could either,


5️⃣Specify the strength of motion you want