1. Old movies

<aside> 📌 classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light



classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, a girl in the street

classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, a girl in the street

Detective movie

classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, detective, leaning against the wall

classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, detective, leaning against the wall


classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, 1950s,traditional Chinese architecture, pagodas and ancient bridges, serene landscapes with willow-lined rivers.

classic cinema, black and white, film grain, vintage aesthetic, flickering light, 1950s,traditional Chinese architecture, pagodas and ancient bridges, serene landscapes with willow-lined rivers.

2. Watercolor

<aside> 📌 watercolor style, Chinese watercolor style, watercolor pencil crayons, delacroix watercolor style


watercolor pencil crayons, a cat surrounded by flowers

        watercolor pencil crayons, a cat surrounded by flowers

((Chinese watercolor style)),a girl in traditional Chinese clothing holds up a lantern

((Chinese watercolor style)),a girl in traditional Chinese clothing holds up a lantern

3. Lego

<aside> 📌 Lego style


Lego style, a robot falls from the sky

                         Lego style, a robot falls from the sky

Lego style, a city made of building blocks

                               Lego style, a city made of building blocks

4. Ghibli

<aside> 📌 Ghibli style


Ghibli style, a girl sitting on the grassland blowing the wind

          Ghibli style, a girl sitting on the grassland blowing the wind

5. cyberpunk

Ghibli style, mountains and rivers, flying birds

                         Ghibli style, mountains and rivers, flying birds

<aside> 📌 cyberpunk style


cyberpunk style, city streets, cars and pedestrians

                cyberpunk style, city streets, cars and pedestrians