<aside> 🔥 Welcome to the Discord server of PixVerse! We're thrilled to have you as part of our creator community 🥳


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<aside> ❓ What are the available features of PixVerse? How should I use the them?


PixVerse now has 4 main features:

Please kindly go through our tutorial here https://discord.com/channels/1140860020586713128/1175986593996222565 to get more info. If you still have other questions, you may ask for more support here https://discord.com/channels/1140860020586713128/1174294959046803476.

<aside> ❓ How to keep private/remove watermark?


Discord does not support this feature, you can go to the web to generate. (https://pixverse.ai/)

<aside> ❓ What is the use of Beta-Tester status / How to become a Beta-Tester


As a beta-tester, you will get early access to our latest features, and can also use some premium features at no cost. To become one of them, you may:

<aside> ❓ How to make (higher definition/ better motion) / Maintain subject consistency


More features are available on the web.(https://pixverse.ai/)

<aside> ❓ Where can I find seeds?


You can download the video, and the seed can be found in the file name. In the middle of the name, starting with seed.